Can you use a controller on Valorant

Valorant controller support is limited, but for those who prefer the sticks, there are options available.

If you usually score your frags from the couch, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about Valorant. Right now if you want to jump into Riot’s popular new FPS, you’ll need to take your skills to the PC. If your aim is best with a stick, you might be wondering if you can use a controller on Valorant. Well, there’s good and bad news coming, but if you want to get involved with your analogue stick skills, we’ll do our best to answer the question ‘can you use a controller on Valorant?’ below for you.

Can you use a controller on Valorant?

Can you use a controller on Valorant?
Aiming will be a lot tougher if you use a controller on Valorant.
© Riot Games

Technically, yes, you can use a controller on Valorant. However, controller support is quite limited, and will make your life very hard. Valorant is a competitive game that’s designed for mouse and keyboard, meaning there’s no aim assist for controllers.You might think that won’t be a big deal if you’re an expert on console, but without it you’ll find playing against mouse and keyboard players extremely difficult. 

The second warning for playing with a controller on Valorant is that not all controllers are supported. Riot hasn’t released an official list, so right now we’d suggest sticking with an Xbox 360 or Xbox One controller. Others like the Switch Pro and PS4 controllers might work on Steam, but haven’t got proper support for Valorant yet.

So while you can use a controller on Valorant, you won’t be able to find all the usual settings like deadzone adjustment and aim assist. If you really consider yourself a console controller pro, considering giving Valorant a go to see how your skills shape up. However, we’d highly recommend practicing with a mouse and keyboard instead if you can, as in the long run it’ll see you performing much better in Valorant.

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Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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