Tour the worlds of Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey for free on PC

Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Discovery Tour modes for both Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt are available for free on Uplay right now.

It’s not easy to get out and travel right now, but thankfully there are some pretty great virtual recreations for us to wander through instead. And in these ones you won’t even find angry men with spears waiting to stab you. Hop on Ubisoft’s PC-based Uplay right now and you’ll be able to grab the full versions of the Discovery Tour modes produced for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Origins. 

Created as educational add-ons to the core games, the Discovery Tour versions of each world allow you to explore different areas without any danger of running into pesky mercenaries or angry bears that want to beat you up. Instead, you’ll find museum-style curation, with explanations of the areas you visit, the place they held in the culture and history of the land. Lime a museum, then, but one you can see living and breathing. It’s a very relaxed affair, encouraging you to take your time in leisurely wandering and learning. You can even take quizzes and the end of each section to see if you’ve really been paying attention.

As well as being included with their respective games, the Discovery Tour titles were released as standalone experiences for roughly $20. But if you pick them up now using the link below then you can keep them forever, for free. It’s part of the PlayApartTogether initiative which has seen many developers and publishers provide gaming content for free in an effort to encourage people to stay home and save lives in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

All you’ll need is a Ubisoft Account which you can use to log in to Uplay. Head over to the Free page on Ubisoft’s website by clicking here to claim the deals or sign up for an account. Naturally, those who already own Odyssey or Origins won’t need to do so, but they could claim them as well if wanting to just keep the museum portion installed.