The Pokemon Company announce new livestream for June 17

On social media, The Pokemon Company announced plans to air a special livestream, Pokemon Presents, on June 17. The livestream will offer exclusive Pokemon news, likely in relation to existing Pokemon titles like Sword and Shield. That said, we could be in for a few surprises as well.

UPDATE: They did surprise us! With news of a New Pokemon Snap for Switch, a smartphone app to help kids brush their teeth and Pokemon Cafe Mix, a free-to-start puzzle game for Switch and mobiles.

The Pokemon Company announce new livestream for June 17

The Pokemon Company will air a Pokemon Presents livestream on their YouTube channel tomorrow, June 17!
© The Pokemon Company

Calling all Pokemon Trainers, a Pokemon livestream is scheduled to take place tomorrow, June 17 at 6:00 a.m. (PT) and 9:00 a.m. (ET). Yes, you’ll have to get up early for this one, so don’t be a Snorlax in bed otherwise you’ll miss some exciting announcements. As for what these announcements will entail, we honestly have no idea.

The Pokemon Company is keeping it vague when it comes to the Pokemon Presents livestream. It stands to reason that we’ll get updates on Pokemon Sword and Shield events and activities along with some Pokemon GO news as well.

With COVID-19 forcing event cancellations, Niantic has pivoted to offering Pokemon GO events online as opposed to in-person, notably this year’s Pokemon GO Fest which will now be held online. The timing is right for news on this event as it’s scheduled to begin on July 25 and end on July 26.

The first day of the event will feature a Special Research story, a new Global Challenge Arena, and more. The second day of the event is a mystery, though Niantic has teased that players can look forward to, “Something very different.” Unlike other events like PAX who’ve made their online versions free this year, you’ll have to pay $14.99 via an in-app purchase to participate in Niantic's digital Pokemon GO Fest.

Given the price, it also makes sense Niantic would want to show gamers what they’re getting for $15 in order to encourage more players to participate. The Pokemon Presents livestream won’t be all Pokemon GO news, so if you’re not a huge Pokemon GO player there are other reasons to tune in.

In the past, The Pokemon Company also revealed things like Pokemon Sleep which we’ve since heard absolutely nothing about. We’re curious as to whether they plan to update us on the status of Pokemon Sleep, maybe even giving us a surprise same-day release. We hope so as we’re genuinely curious about how it’ll work.

We may hear more about Pokemon Sleep.
© The Pokemon Company

Meanwhile, we know we’re getting a sequel to the Detective Pikachu movie along with a Detective Pikachu release on Nintendo Switch. It’s possible The Pokemon Company will give us new information on both, though it’s more likely we’ll get news about Detective Pikachu on Nintendo Switch rather than a trailer for the next Detective Pikachu film.

Finally, knowing that Nintendo won’t be hosting an E3-related Direct this year, we’re wondering if this livestream will compensate for that with even bigger Pokemon news. A brand new game, perhaps? Even if it’s something small like a mobile title, new Pokemon content is good Pokemon content.

After all, Pokemon apps like Pokemon Quest and Pokemon: Magikarp Jump have been thoroughly enjoyable ways to pass the time. With the world the way it is right now, we could all use a few more games like that, especially if they’re free. In conclusion, we’re looking forward to tomorrow’s Pokemon Presents livestream and will be sure to update you on everything The Pokemon Company shows off.

If you want to soak in these announcements live, you can tune in tomorrow, June 17, at 6:00 a.m. (PT) and 9:00 a.m. (ET) over on The Official Pokemon YouTube Channel.