How to catch a Coelacanth in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

When you gotta make the big catch and impress all your villagers, there’s only one fish that’ll fit the bill all year round: The mighty Coelacanth. If you want to learn how to catch a Coelacanth in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, then you’ve come to the right place. Follow the steps below and you’ll net a mighty blast from the past that’ll score you plenty of bells for the future.

How to catch a Coelacanth in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

© Nintendo

The Coelacanth is a very special fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ catalogue (and indeed in real life). While it’s technically possible to catch a Coelacanth all year round, you can only do so during a very specific weather setting. It must be raining to catch a Coelacanth in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. 

It doesn’t matter whether it’s light rain or a heavy storm, but rain must be falling. Provided the weather conditions are right, you need to look for a massive shadow around the edges of your island. It won’t have any fin, but it should be the largest possible size of shadow during rainy weather. Below we’ve listed the key details you should know if you want to catch a coelacanth in Animal Crossing: New Horizons:

Because a Coelacanth is worth so much money, we recommend scouting around the edges of your island any time it’s raining (or on a nook miles trip which is raining) to look for large shadows. The Coelacanth is worth so much money that it’s really worth catching one every time you can. If possible, save the fish to sell to C.J. when he visits your island as he’ll give you 1.5x the regular price offered by those scoundrels Timmy and Tommy.

Related: How to catch a Dorado in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Now that you’ve learned how to catch a Coelacanth in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you can move on to learn about some other scaly friends in the sea. Visit our fish list to see everything available throughout the year.