Design a Sea of Thieves achievement and win fabulous prizes

Competition runs throughout the closed beta.

Lazy old Rare has decided it can't be bothered to come up with its own achievements for Sea of Thieves, so they foisting the job onto you, the poor unsuspecting player.

As you can see from this outrageous call to arms, the British developer reckons you should come up with an achievement idea and submit it on their forum.

In exchange for this back-breaking intellectual labor, you may have your achievement immortalized in the game, get your name in the credits, and receive a piece of artwork signed by the whole team and a bunch of "Sea of Thieves booty".

This so-called competition runs for as long as the beta is active, meaning you can enter from now until 8am GMT on Monday January 29.

Frankly we can't believe they're getting away with this, and recommend nobody else enters except us, so that we can call them out on their behaviour. Seriously, please don't enter, and if they send us free stuff we'll burn it to teach them a lesson.

Sea of Thieves is due out for PC and Xbox One on March 20, and as you may have seen this week, it will be available to Xbox Game Pass owners at no extra cost on top of their Netflix-style monthly subscription.


Tom is probably best known for the 15 years - FIFTEEN YEARS! - he spent at Eurogamer, one of Europe's biggest independent gaming sites. Now he roams the earth, but will always have a home here at AllGamers. You can try and raise him from his deep, abyssal slumber through or he's also on Twitter.

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