Where to farm Savathun's Marionettes in Destiny 2

If you’re working on the Growth quest to earn Ruinous Effigy in Destiny 2 then you’ll need to kill plenty of Savathun’s Marionettes. These pesky enemies can be tough to find, but to help you progress quickly, we’ve found a spot that’s a great place to farm Savathun’s Marionettes in Destiny 2.

Where to farm Savathun’s Marionettes in Destiny 2

© Bungie

You’ll need to kill Savathun’s Marionettes as part of the Pendulum stage of the Growth quest. The best place to head if you want to farm Savathun’s Marionette’s is on Titan. Head to The Rig and you should be able to find several of them around the building where the WItcher’s Ritual public event occurs. You’ll probably need to kill a miniboss to get the Marionette to spawn, so take out the enemies you see as you go around. Expect a hefty battle if you head to this area.

Once you kill one of Savathun’s Marionettes, be sure to loot the chest it drops from some weapon parts and a healthy chunk of XP. There’s no harm in helping yourself while you work towards the quest, after all. Once you’re at the right spot, all you need to do is keep looping through the building until you’ve racked up the total of 15 required to complete the Pendulum part of the Growth quest. You could kill more, but why waste your time. Head on to the next stage of the Ruinous Effigy quest to get closer to grabbing the Exotic trace rifle.

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Our thanks to Shacknews for a heads up about the location and use of their map image! Now that you know where to farm Savathun’s Marionettes in Destiny 2, there’s nothing else to it but to do it. Good luck with the grind, it can take a while but it’s certainly faster than roaming all the available maps in the hopes of finding some. If you’re after more distraction then feel free to click here and visit the Destiny 2 game hub