Build your own console with the Lego Nintendo Entertainment System

Nintendo continues to collab with Lego to produce bricky nostalgia, now letting you build your own NES complete with TV and working level of Mario.

The Lego Nintendo Entertainment System set costs $229.99 and comes with the iconic NES console, a Super Mario Bros. game cartridge, and a ye-olde-style cathode ray TV with a scrolling level of World 1-1. The entire set is 2,646 bricks to shove together, so it should take quite a few hours to complete for the experienced Lego engineer. It's up now on the Lego site, but with a release date of August 1 so set your clocks.

What's more, if you get the Lego Mario Starter Course playset, you can place the wirelessly interactive Mario figure on top of the TV and he'll play the classic music and sound FX as his 2D pixel self jumps through the level.

At $230 it's not the most expensive console Nintendo's ever put out, but as it can only really play one level from one game it's a bit of a steep price to ask.

Of course, for collector's it's likely a must have, as long as you still have space in your Ikea Kallax shelving unit to fit the console and the TV. It even has the tactile feedback of clunking the bricky cartridge into the Game Pak slot on the NES.

While the controller does have tappable buttons and a D-pad, the game must be hand-cranked on the TV, and obviously there's no way to actually control Mario's progress across 1-1. It's a very cute little homage to Nintendo's mascot, during his 35th anniversary year as well, with more surprises still to come from what we've heard.

We're hoping to see some more NES game boards to swap into the TV, such as Donkey Kong or Hogan's Alley. Which NES games would you like to see appear on the Lego Nintendo Entertainment System set's adorable 1980's themed screen?