How to heal in Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell is very good at taking away your health. Less so good at giving it back. If you want to heal in Mortal Shell there’s no Estus Flask or Gourd to help you out, meaning you’ll need to figure out some alternative methods, and quickly. Thankfully, we’ve got info on all the ways to heal in Mortal Shell below, so you can keep your lifebar topped up for the important fights.

How to heal in Mortal Shell

There are several ways to heal in Mortal Shell, but Weltcaps and Ripostes will be your two main methods. 
© Cold Symmetry

There are several ways to heal in Mortal Shell, and none of them are all that simple or repeatable. The primary method to heal is using Weltcaps, a mushroom that can be found in certain areas of the map. There are several Weltcap spawn points in the hub (swamp) area, which recharge over time. You’ll also find them at key points in each other area. Weltcap heal 30 health over 30 seconds, so you need to keep your distance from enemies while they work. Weltcaps recharge over time, meaning you’ll need to wait for them to come back before you revisit the area.

Other key healing items can be obtained from enemies, including a Roasted Rat. Eating this will consume one bar of Resolve but heal you a large amount. You’ll be able to find this on enemy or purchase it from a Trader at the back end of Falgrim Outstkirts. You can also find Rotten Food from enemies, but this costs so much resolve to heal such a tiny amount that we reall don’t recommend using it. There are a few other healing items in the game, including a Baguette. If something sounds like food, using it will probably heal you.

Roasted Rat or Baguettes are other great ways to recover health in Mortal Shell. 
© Cold Symmetry

Read mode: Mortal Shell controls guide

You’re also able to heal by performing an Empowered Riposte. This is a special counter used after successfully parrying an enemy (read our full parry guide by clicking here). Tap L1/LB with the correct timing and you can block an enemies attack using your Tainted Seal. If you pull this off while you have at least one bar of Resolve, you’ll stagger the enemy, the game will slow down, and you’ll see a red dot appear on them. Press R1/RB when you see this to deal massive damage and regain a large chunk of health. This is an extremely risky way to heal in Mortal Shell, so we recommend only using it against weaker, easy to kill enemies.

The first time you die between checkpoints, you’ll be knocked from your shell. When you return, you’ll regain full health. It’s not a heal, really, but worth remembering. When it comes to shells, you can also gain the ability to heal from poison on the Tiel shell. This will let you self-poison to recover your life.

By reading this guide, you should have learned how to heal in Mortal Shell. It’s a pretty punishing game that’s not generous with its health recovery options. This can be frustrating, but the sooner you accept it and plan your fights defensively, the better. For more Mortal Shell tips and tricks, click here to visit our game hub page.