Indie timeloop thriller Twelve Minutes now features all-star Hollywood cast

Annapurna Interactive's timeloop thriller Twelve Minutes now has an all-star cast of voice actors in the form of Hollywood heavyweights Willem Defoe, Daisy Ridley and James McAvoy.

The news of the inclusion of the Green Goblin, Rey and Professor Xavier (not necessarily their best roles, but always the ones that come to mind) comes alongside a new trailer for the indie mystery game which is still planned for release this year according to the Steam page.

The game features you trapped in a loop of 12 minutes, as an intruder interrupts you and your wife having a lovely meal. Here, from the game's description:

"What should be a romantic evening with your wife turns into a nightmare when a police detective breaks into your home, accuses your wife of murder and beats you to death...

"Only for you to find yourself immediately returned to the exact moment you opened the front door, stuck in a TWELVE-MINUTE time loop, doomed to relive the same terror again and again...

"Unless you can find a way to use the knowledge of what’s coming to change the outcome and break the loop."

And here's the trailer again, in full YouTube form:

Twelve Minutes will release on PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X sometime this year, perhaps? Hard to tell anymore.