Valorant update 1.07 patch notes include more Sage nerfs

Valorant’s next patch is quite the big one in terms of Agent balancing. The 1.07 patch notes reveal heavy nerfs for essential healer Sage, and a much-needed reduction in the damage of newcomer Killjoy’s nanoswarm grenade. Several other agents have had big buffs, included Breach and Viper. Want to know the full list of changes? Read on for the complete Valorant update 1.07 patch notes, direct from Riot Games.

Valorant update 1.07 patch notes

The latest Valorant patch takes aim at Sage, while giving Viper and Breach a boost. 
© Riot Games



Our goal is to reduce the amount of healing done throughout the round. Disincentivize Sage from self healing and make it more expensive to do so.

Slow Orb

This should slightly reduce the power of Slow Orb and increase intentionality. Right now, slow orb unintentionally covers a lot more ground than it should be if aimed properly.

Barrier Orb

Our hope is to increase counterplay on Barrier and reduce the strength of the wall during reactive use.



Killjoy’s Nanoswarm has been a terror to play against. It’s meant to be a strong stalling and post plant tool—but we feel it’s currently dealing far too much damage and players aren’t able to engage in the desired counterplay.



Toxic Screen

This change should allow Viper, in many situations, to get her wall placed pre-round and then join her team before the barrier drops—or create uncertainty about her location when the round begins. Increasing the speed of the wall rising should reduce the awkward period that occurs after it starts to rise but isn’t covering all the angles Viper and her allies would expect.


This is mainly targeted towards Viper’s Pit, and should help reduce some of the unintentional collateral damage she can cause to her team, while also opening new strategies for playing around her ult as a team.

Viper’s Pit


(Note: These are not all the potential Breach changes we want to do, but as part of our ease-in, intentional-balance philosophy, we want to be measured. Stay tuned for more...potentially.)


Breach should be a choice pick in offensive entry and breaking utility. While the flash’s power was pretty good, too few charges were holding him back on being able to provide this value for his team. Considering he needs teammates to capitalize on his flashes, this should make up for that cost by simply having more of them.

Rolling Thunder



Weapon Updates

Hit Impact VFX Update

We've made some small adjustments to hit VFX to try and improve hit registration clarity. With how sensitive changes around hit registration can be, we'll be keeping an eye on player feedback on these changes and make adjustments accordingly.

See our recent article on hit registration for additional details on some of the issues we're trying to address with these changes:

Competitive Updates

Quality of Life

These features take effect from agent select to game end. We also added an option to hide + auto-reject friend requests.

Bug Fixes

That’s everything included in the Valorant update 1.07 patch notes. Are you excited to see Sage become a less valuable pick, or for Breach to get even more flashes? Let us know your favorite or least favorite change in the comments below. For all other Valorant content, click here to visit our gaming hub.