Cyberpunk 2077 PC minimum specs and recommended specs revealed

As we finally breach the November 19 December 10 release date, the Cyberpunk 2077 PC minimum specs and recommended specs have finally been revealed. If you're hoping to explore Night City with silky smooth frame rates, then there's good news in store.

CD Projekt Red's hitlist of minimum specs for Cyberpunk 2077 puts it into a very achievable range for most PC gamers, and the recommended specs are still very conservative (12GB of RAM aside). If you're ready to see what sorts of upgrades you need to make, then here are the Cyberpunk 2077 PC minimum specs and recommended specs for getting the game running smoothly.

Cyberpunk 2077 PC minimum specs

Cyberpunk 2077 PC recommended specs

That install size is also a nice surprise, given that Call of Duty is taking up a good 150GB of our SSD right now. And if you'll only need a 1060 to have Cyberpunk 2077 running smoothly (though likely without all the bells and whistles turned on) then imagine what the brand new Nvidia 3080 will do with it. Ray Tracing all over the shop.

Is your PC powerful enough to run Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out on December 10? What components do you need to swap out to achieve the Cyberpunk 2077 minimum specs for PC?