All fighter ships in Star Wars: Squadrons

Ready to jump into the cockpit? Well first you’ll need to decide which cockpit. The campaign for Star Wars: Squadron may take you through several different fighter ship models, but when you jump online or into a match vs bots, you’ll need to decide what you’ll be flying. To help you make that decision, or just to give you an idea of what’s available, here’s a list of all the available fighter ships in Star Wars: Squadrons.

All fighter ships in Star Wars: Squadrons

There are four available ships for each faction in Star Wars: Squadrons, leading to a total of eight in all. Each faction has one ship in each class, including Fighter, Bomber, Interceptor, and Support. We’ve split our list into Rebel and Imperial ships, with details on the base stats of each.

All Rebel ships

© Electronic Arts

Fighter: T- 65B X- Wing

Bomber: BTL-A4 Y-Wing

Interceptor: RZ-1 A-Wing

Support: U-Wing Gunship

Read more: Star wars: Squadrons controls guide

All Imperial ships

© Electronic Arts

Fighter: TIE/LN Fighter

Bomber: TIE/SA Bomber

Interceptor: TIE/IN Interceptor

Support: TIE/RP Reaper

As you can see from the numbers above, the Rebel ships have rechargeable shields while the Imperial ships tend to favor tougher hulls and higher speeds. You’ll need to be proficient with both to find success online! You can modify the stats of your ship by customizing the various parts, so don't feel like you have to stick with the default settings. For more Squadrons guides, click here to park your ship in our hub page for the game.