How to disable HUD in Star Wars: Squadrons

Remove distractions by learning how to disable the HUD in Star Wars: Squadrons.

Soaring through the stars is already pretty immersive in Star Wars: Squadrons. But if you want to really lose yourself in dogfights to the death, you’ll want to learn how to disable the HUD in Star Wars: Squadrons. You’ll get the option early in the tutorials, but it pays to keep the HUD on while you’re learning the ropes. For anyone who wants to turn off all the overlay effects later, we’ve put together a quick guide.

How to disable HUD in Star Wars: Squadrons

How to disable HUD in star wars Squadrons
© Electronic Arts

To disable HUD in Star Wars: Squadrons, you’ll want to open the game’s menu (If you’re mid-game that’ll be Start on Xbox One, Options on PS4, and Esc on PC), go to the Options and select Gameplay. In the Gameplay menu, the top section will be labelled Pilot Experience. By default this will be on Standard and have the HUD switched on, but you can shift it over to Instruments Only if you want to remove the HUD elements which appear in your vision.

Star Wars: Squadrons actually displays all the information you need within your cockpit, meaning you can keep track of everything like shield position and weapon strength without the HUD switched on. You’ll want to have the overlay on at the start to learn where everything is, but once you’ve mastered the controls, you can switch the HUD off to truly get lost in the stars. There’s also a Custom option for HUD which allows you to pick and choose which elements are displayed, tailoring the visuals to your desired level.

Related: All fighter ships in Star Wars: Squadron

The Gameplay menu will let you play around with a load of other choices, including the ability to hide the pilot body, turn off cockpit shake and more. If you’re having trouble with motion sickness, try playing around with the options here.
And that’s all you need to know to disable HUD in Star Wars: Squadrons! Enjoy flying and fighting free among the stars and debris.Click here to visit our hub page for the game to see more guides and features.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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