Genshin Impact Anemoculus locations map

The open world of Genshin Impact is full of all kinds of different collectibles. One of these is Anemoculus orbs. Anemoculus orbs are green glowing orbs that can be found as you quest and explore across Genshin Impact.  Since these orbs are used to improve your Statues of the Seven--which provide endurance bonuses, Adventure Experience, and Anemo Seals, it is worth seeking them out. Check out this guide for tips and tricks to find them, along with a great resource mapping tool!

Genshin Impact Anemoculus locations map

 © miHoYo


Below are areas where Anemoculus orbs have been confirmed to be found. For more help finding these and other collectibles, check out this super handy resource mapping tool!


Most Anemoculus will ask you to look up to find them. Often, this means you will need to climb to a higher point and glide down. But there are other situations you may encounter.

That's everything we know about Anemoculus orbs in Genshin Impact. For more Genshin Impact features and guides, click here to visit the game hub.