Genshin Impact City Reputation rewards and details guide

Learn what City Reputation is, how to increase City Reputation, and the rewards you'll unlock for raising your rank in each city.

Genshin Impact’s latest update introduces several new features, one of the most exciting of which is City Reputation. If you’re interested to know what City Reputation is, how to increase it, and the City Reputation rewards in Genshin Impact for doing so, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll break down everything there is to know about City Reputation below.

What is City Reputation?

Genshin Impact City Reputation guide
© miHoYo

City Reputation is a new Genshin Impact feature which allows you to level up your association with the two major cities of the map. By completing certain quests and challenges within each city, you’ll raise your City Reputation, unlocking new rewards. Currently, each City has eight levels of reputation to work through, with awards available at each.

How to unlock Liyue and Mondstadt City Reputations

To unlock City Reputation in both Liyue and Mondstadt, you’ll first need to have reached Adventure Rank 25. Once there, you need to complete a specific quest for each city and speak to a few different NPCs. Here’s what you need to know to unlock Liyue and Mondstadt City Reputations:


Complete the Archon quest The Outlander Who Caught the Wind (Prologue: Act 1). Once unlocked, speak with Hertha, the Knights of Favonious Coordinator, to learn more about the requests and rewards available.


Complete the Archon quest Farewell, Archaic Lord (Chapter 1: Act 2). Once unlocked, speak with Ms. Yu, Ministry of Civil Affairs Secretary, in Liyue Harbor to learn more about the requests and rewards available.

How to increase City Reputation

How to increase city reputation in genshin impact
© miHoYo

City Reputation can be increased in a number of different ways in Genshin Impact. Here’s everything that’ll help you level up your cred with the closest city:

  • Region Quests: Complete missions in the Mondstadt and Liyue regions to increase your Reputation in each city. They don’t necessarily have to be within the cities themselves.
  • World Exploration: Increase your Exploration Progress in the Mondstadt and Liyue areas. Hitting certain milestones will boost your City Reputation.
  • Bounties: Locate and defeat bounty targets in each city to increase your reputation. You can complete a maximum of three bounties per week to boost City Reputation. Further details on Bounties can be found here.
  • Requests: Complete requests from residents in each city to increase your City Reputation. Requests are refreshed every Monday, with a maximum of three available each week to increase City Reputation.

City Reputation rewards

Genshin Impact City Reputation rewards
© miHoYo

Liyue and Mondstadt each have their own rewards to unlock based on the City Reputation rank reached. There are eight levels in each city, and we’ve listed the rewards for them both below.

Mondstadt City Reputation rewards

Rank 1

  • Northern Apple Stew recipe

Rank 2

  • Anemoculus Resonance Stone blueprint: Used in Mondstadt region this detects nearby Anemoculus and marks them on the map. 300 second cooldown (marked Anemoculus must also be collected).
  • Mondstadt Mining Outcrop Search (speak with Wagner the Blacksmith)

Rank 3 

  • Wind Catcher forging blueprint: Equip to allow storage of up to five Anemograna creatures.

Rank 4

  • Player Namecard Style (Mondstadt - Hero’s Fame)
  • Adventurer’s Breakfast Sandwich recipe
  • Mondstadt Merchant discounts (Good Hunter and Mondstadt General Goods)

Rank 5

  • NRE (Menu 30) blueprint: Can be used to quickly consume food without opening your inventory. Automatically shows items the game thinks will be useful.

Rank 6

  • Portable Waypoint blueprint: Use to create a temporary waypoint at your current location. Waypoint lasts for seven days and only one can be active at a time.
  • Anemo Treasure Compass blueprint: When used in the Mondstadt region it locates the nearest chest. 30 second cooldown (or 5 if no chest is found).

Rank 7

  • Player Namecard Style (Mondstadt - Blessing)
  • Moon Pie recipe

Rank 8

  • Wings of Azure Wind glider

Liyue City Reputation rewards

Rank 1

  • Golden Shrimp Balls recipe

Rank 2

  • Geoculus Resonance Stone blueprint: Used in Liyue region this detects nearby Geoculus and marks them on the map. 300 second cooldown (marked Geoculus must also be collected).
  • Liyue Mining Outcrop Search (speak with Master Zhang the Blacksmith)

Rank 3 

  • Condensed Resin blueprint: Used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms and Petrified Trees in Domains that require 20 Original Resin, allowing rewards to be collected twice.

Rank 4

  • Player Namecard Style (Liyue - A Thousand Ships)
  • Lotus Flower Crisp recipe
  • Liyue Merchant discounts (Wanmin Restaurant and Second Life)

Rank 5

  • Adepti Seeker’s Stove blueprint: This gadget creates a portable stove in front of you. 300 second cooldown.

Rank 6

  • Geo Treasure Compass blueprint: When used in the Liyue region it locates the nearest chest. 30 second cooldown (or 5 if no chest is found).

Rank 7

  • Player Namecard Style (Liyue - In the Clouds)
  • Tianshu Meat recipe

Rank 8

  • Wings of Golden Flight glider

And that’s everything we know about the new City Reputation system and rewards in Genshin Impact. You should aim to increase your City Reputation as soon as possible because the blueprints unlocked offer powerful rewards. And hey, we’ll never complain about getting access to cool new gliders either. For more Genshin Impact guides, click here to visit the game’s hub page.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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