How to carry over your progress into Hitman 3

Seasoned Agent 47s will know just how easy it is for a purportedly simple job to turn into a disastrous mess. As such, new Hitman 3 owners should know that carrying over their progress from Hitman 1 and 2 might not be quite as simple as developer IO Interactive had hoped. How you’ll get access to your past content depends on your platform of choice, so we’ll do our best to cover all of them below. Here’s our best explanation as to how to carry over progress into Hitman 3.

How to carry over your progress into Hitman 3

© IO Interactive

When you first start up Hitman 3, you’ll be prompted to head to the game’s carry over website to transfer progress from the previous games. This is a one-time option, meaning you can’t later buy Hitman 2 and shift your progress over. Performing the steps is a bit of a pain on a console however, so we’ll walk you through what you need to do here first.

First of all, progress can only be carried over from Hitman 2. You can still transfer and access your level completion from Hitman 1, but only if you have first transferred it into Hitman 2. If you have yet to do so, follow the guide IOI provided for the Hitman 2 Legacy pack here. Unfortunately, if you only own Hitman 1 you won’t be able to carry over your progress.

Your previous Hitman progress must also be on the same platform family as Hitman 3. So if you played Hitman 2 on PS4, you can only transfer over to PS4 or PS5. The same goes for Xbox and PC. If you’re a PC player, make sure you launch Hitman 1 and 2 before Hitman 3 on Epic, as this will ensure you have an account created already.

With those points in mind, you can start the carry-over process. Begin by heading to this website. Log in, then select the Hitman profile you’d like to transfer. You can then review your Hitman 2 progress to make sure it’s correct, and confirm the transfer.

Here are all the features IOI has confirmed will be transferred: Player profile, XP rank, location mastery levels, location mastery unlocks, challenge progress, challenge unlocks and Elusive Target suits/unlocks. Save game files are not carried over.

Transferring your progress will not delete your Hitman 2 saves, but it is a one-off event, meaning you can’t play more of Hitman 2, then transfer again. In addition, the progressions are not synced afterwards, so stick with Hitman 3 from there on. With the transfer complete, you can start playing Hitman 3.

How to access Hitman 1 and 2 content on Hitman 3

© IO Interactive

Here’s where things get a little tricky. Hitman 3 includes the option to unlock and play all levels from both Hitman 1 and 2. To play them, you’ll need to make use of the Hitman 3 Access system. If you owned Hitman 1 or 2 on the same platform previously, you should be able to download the same content in Hitman 3 for free, but how you do so depends on whether you owned the digital editions of the physical disks. 

Before we dive into Xbox and PlayStation, it’s worth noting that, at the time of writing, there is no way to access the free Hitman 2 content on PC, but that doesn’t mean you should buy it again. IOI is currently sorting out a deal with Epic to ensure PC players get the content they already own for free, so stay patient. For the time being, the Hitman 1 GOTY Access Pass has been made free on the Epic Store for 10 days following Hitman 3’s launch. Make sure you grab it if you’ve picked up the game there. In addition, the Hitman 2 pass has been reduced by 80%.

Console players should be able to access the Hitman 3 Access Passes from the storefront on their platform. On PS5, for example, Head to the Hitman 3 store page and scroll down to the Add-Ons section. Here you’ll find four different Access Passes:

If you already owned any of the above games digitally on the same platform family, you should find those options available to download for free. To access Hitman 1 content, you must have followed the Legacy steps on this page first to bring your progress into Hitman 2, first. Make sure you are checking the correct Access Pass if it isn’t appearing as free for you. 

If you already owned the above games on disc (physically), you will need to load up Hitman 2 and check the in-game store. Here you should find the access pass available for free. If you check the PS or Xbox stores, the access passes will appear full price for physical disc owners.

Owners of the Hitman 2 Gold Edition digital will be able to download the gold pass for free. Owners of the Hitman 2 Gold Edition physical will need to make sure their expansion pass code was registered on the same account, they can then download the Hitman 2 and Hitman 2 Expansion Pass Access Passes for free.

If you’re a little confused, you’re far from alone. The process to carry over progress and content  to Hitman 3 is a little fiddly for anyone who owned the disc versions of previous games. But if you follow the correct steps, PlayStation and Xbox owners should be able to play Hitman 1 and 2 content within Hitman 3, and carry over your progress as they do so. PC players will need to wait a little longer if they owned the previous games for free, but IOI promises they’ll have an update before long.