How to get the Dartmoor safe code in Hitman 3

Challenging you to not just take down a target, but obtain a file that’s securely locked away too, Hitman 3’s Dartmoor manor level is a uniquely challenging test. Taking down your target is one thing, but opening the safe is another task entirely. To get the secret case file on the Constant, you’ll need to get the safe code on the Dartmoor manor’s top floor. This guide will teach you the Dartmoor safe code and also take you through the steps to solving it for yourself.

How to get the Dartmoor safe code in Hitman 3

© IO Interactive

There are a few methods to get Madame Carlisle to open the safe for you, including solving the murder mystery yourself. However, if you’ve already taken out your target or want to try a different path, you can also uncover the safe code in the Dartmoor manor level of Hitman 3. For those just looking for the safe code, scroll down a bit, as we’ll quickly explain how to solve it below first. 

The Dartmoor safe is located in Madame Carlisle’s quarters on the top floor of the Dartmoor manor. To reach it you’ll likely need to complete the murder mystery or scale guttering on the outside of the building after climbing through a window. Whatever route you take, we recommend distracting one of Carlisle’s bodyguards on the upper floor to steal their disguise before you start messing around inside the room. The safe can be opened by pressing the button on the large chair by the desk. Just make sure that no one sees you press it or they might get suspicious. Interacting with the safe, oddly, is fine.

Once you’re in, you’ll see that the safe has a series of images above it, namely a clock, telescope, fire, and moose. These point you toward items around the room which hide the numbers of the code. The clock and fireplace are located on the main floor. The telescope is up the staircase near the upper balcony, and the moose is directly above the entrance doorway. Each has the number on a small plaque nearby as shown in the image below. Spot them all and you’ll have found the Dartmoor safe code in Hitman 3.

© IO Interactive

The Dartmoor safe code in Hitman 3

 The Dartmoor safe code in Hitman 3 is 1975. The date is likely related to the murder Madame Carlisle was involved in many years prior.

Enter the code in the safe and hit the OK button to open the safe and grab the case file. Assuming you’ve already taken out the target, all that’s left is to reach an exit safely. Well done, Agent.

Now that you know the Dartmoor safe code in Hitman 3, you can move on to other challenges. For more tips and tricks, click here to visit our Hitman 3 hub page. After another solution? Let us know in the comments and we’ll do our best to help you out.