Super Smash Bros. Melee's credits scene has finally been mastered

A player has finally hit all 190 credits in Super Smash Bros. melee, nearly 20 years after the game’s release.

The credits sequence of Nintendo’s classic fighting game features a sci-fi fly-through of the game’s developers. While there’s no reward for doing so, the player can aim with the GameCube’s analog stick and tap the A button to fire lasers. Each name hit reveals information about the developer’s role and previous work as well as, more crucially, adding to a total displayed at the end of the run. Until this week, the maximum number of 190 had never been reached despite Melee’s infamously dedicated community.

As spotted by Polygon, it was Martin ‘Porky’ Zarate who stepped up to the plate, sharing a video of him mastering the credit sequence on YouTube and Twitter, complete with a stunned and somewhat exhausted reaction. Reactions in the videos comments are expectedly shocked, with many players joking about rumors which used to say doing so would unlock a hidden character like Toad or Sonic.

The accomplishment has even caught the eye of Melee’s esports community. Professional player and one of the former five gods of melee, Jason ‘Mew2King’ Zimmerman posted stating that he’s now interviewed Zarate and will be creating a video talking through how he accomplished the feat.

So why now? Renewed interest in the challenge came from Twitter user Nathaniel Bandy, who issued a $3,000 bounty on Twitter to best the challenge while recording both inputs and the gameplay. Laid down on January 23, it took just under two weeks for the record to be reached.

Congratulations to Zarate for ticking off an impressive milestone from Melee's list of challenges! Now who’s up for trying to complete those credits without missing any shots?