Genshin Impact blue creature picture guide

Looking to take a photo of a blue creature in Genshin Impact? The Five Flushes of Fortune event tasks you with tracking down colored objects, plantlife, and fauna. Day 2 asks you to snap a blue creature picture in Genshin Impact, but doesn’t tell you what makes for an acceptable choice. In this guide, we’ll teach you how to get a blue creature photo in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact blue creature picture guide

© miHoYo

To get a blue photo in Genshin Impact’s Flushes of Fortune event, you’ll need to track down and snap a picture of a blue creature using the Kurious Kamera. If you haven’t kicked off the event, you’ll need to be Adventure Rank 20 and have spoken to Ji Tong in Liyue Harbor to get started.

The blue creatures you can photograph in Genshin Impact are largely going to be Cryo and Hydro monsters. There are a few great places to head for a photo, including the entire Dragonspine area. However, for the easiest photo we recommend heading northeast from Liyue Harbor to visit the beach around the tip of the land here. We've marked the spot on the map below so you know exactly where to go. You’ll find loads of Hydro and Cryo Slimes in this area which make for ideal blue creature picture candidates.

© miHoYo

If you’d rather grab a photo of something more exciting than your basic slime, the Genshin Impact blue creature picture can also be of Hilichurls, Oceanids, Samachurls, and more, provided you find a Cryo or Hydro version of them (seriously, head to Dragonspine).

Once you have your target, get near enough and whip out your Kamera to point it in their direction. It should automatically grab the photo if the blue creature is valid, so keep going until you get the photo you’re after. Make sure you don’t get too close or you’ll find the Kamera vision disturbed when attacked.

That’s all there is to know about the Genshin Impact blue creature picture, meaning you’re ready to head out and grab a blue photo for the Five Flushes of Fortune! Remember to check back the next day to find out which other photograph you’re after. For more Genshin Impact guides, point your real-life lens at our hub page for the game.