Valorant 2.05 patch kicks comms-restricted players from competitive

The Valorant 2.05 patch has officially arrived, introducing a welcome number of bug fixes for Astra interactions. In addition, the March 16 update to Valorant changes how chat penalties and comms-restrictions affect players. It's a short and sweet set this time around, but below you'll find the full Valorant 2.05 patch notes for the March 16 update.

Valorant 2.05 patch notes - March 16 update

© Riot

The only gameplay changes in Valorant 2.05 are new controls for both Astra and Sova's drone, allowing you to add specific keybdinds for flying up and down. Beyond that the biggest changes are new progressive penalties for chat abuse and AFK offenses, improved AFK detection, and a toggle for your Act Rank. For the full details and all the bug fixes, here are the Valorant 2.05 patch notes for March 16, courtesy of Riot Games.

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Those were the full Valorant 2.05 patch notes. Head over to our hub page for more content about the popular competitive shooter, including a roundup of the best plays from week one of the Valorant Masters Stage 1.