Resident Evil Village Moreau labyrinth ball location

Learn where to find the Moreau ball in Resident Evil Village so you can grab an extra treasure to fund some upgrades.

The House Moreau section of Resident Evil Village is fairly straightforward, but one item you’ll be looking around for is the Moreau labyrinth ball. This item will net you a very valuable treasure, meaning it’s well worth taking the slight detour required. Below, we’ll explain where to find the Moreau labyrinth ball location in Resident Evil Village.

Resident Evil Village Moreau labyrinth ball location

Resident Evil Village Moreau Labyrinth ball location - Mermaid Ball
© Capcom

The Resident Evil Village Moreau labyrinth ball location is accessible after you’ve beaten Moreau himself and obtained the Crank key item. You’ll escape from the caves and return to the entrance of the first windmill. On your right will be a locked Mechanical Door. Use the crank on this to open up a new area you can access. 

There are several buildings up the path here containing exciting rewards (including the Wolfsbane Magnum), but first you want to find the Moreau ball. Follow the path up until you come out at a section with two buildings, one on the left and one on the right. Turn to your left and follow the path back on the upper level to the small shrine with two candles. The Moreau labyrinth ball (called the Mermaid Ball) is located as shown on the map below.

Resident Evil Village Moreau Ball location - map of where to find ball
© Capcom

Before you head back down to use the Moreau ball, you should explore the houses here then head up to collect Moreau’s Hidden Weapon. This is the M1851 Wolfsbane, which will come in handy given a giant wolf is about to spawn outside. A perfect time to test it out, eh?

Now that you know the Moreau labyrinth ball location in Resident Evil Village, you head back to the labyrinth puzzle next to the windmill entrance and earn some extra treasure. Roll the ball around as required, then sell your earnings to the Duke. For more Resident Evil Village guides, head to our hub page for the game.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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