Genshin Impact Crystal Marrow locations and uses

The Inazuma region holds many new delights in Genshin Impact, and new resources like Crystal Marrow are one of the biggest interests. You’ll get plenty of Crystal Marrow if you’re looking to ascend Sayu, meaning it’s well worth harvesting them in advance of the lucky Wish pull. To help you out, we’ve put together a quick guide on the best places to find Crystal Marrow locations in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Crystal Marrow locations and uses

© miHoYo

As an Inazuma resource, you’ll only find Crystal Marrow locations in the region. Even within Inazuma, they’re only found within the southernmost isles of Yashiori and Kannazuka (Tatarasuna). The reason for this is that Crystal Marrow is found only around the skeleton of the great snake slain by the Raiden Shogun.

The best place to farm Crystal Marrow locations in Genshin Impact is across Yashiori island, as shown above. You can follow the snake’s skeleton from the northwest tip of the island down and over the hills, collecting each Crystal Marrow as you go. The largest cluster can be found in the center of the southern portion of the island, but be warned that this is a highly dangerous area to explore if not prepared.

You’ll also find a large number of Crystal Marrow locations on the west edge of Kannazuka, on the cove entrance west of Mikage Furnace. This is a great place to stop by if you’re not prepared for Yashiori or have already farmed the Crystal Marrow locations there. It takes two days for the Crystal Marrow to respawn, so you’ll need to be patient when harvesting it. Any time you head down to that region, we recommend stopping by to pick up what you can.

Crystal Marrows are used as a character ascension material for Sayu, one of the new Inazuma characters who’ll likely be getting a banner in the coming months. If you’re planning on pulling her when her banner arrives, we recommend harvesting Crystal Marrow in advance.

That’s all the information we have on Crystal Marrow locations and uses in Genshin Impact. Be sure to check out our other Inazuma guides including Naku weed locations and where to grab the new Sea Ganodermas. Otherwise, head to our hub page for Genshin Impact for more tips and tricks.