How to access Shakkei Pavillion in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact's 2.0 update is live, bringing with it a brand new region and thus, brand new Abyssal Domains. One of these is Shakkei Pavillion. Here's how to unlock this Domain in Genshin Impact.

How to access Shakkei Pavillion in Genshin Impact

How to access Shakkei Pavillion in Genshin Impact © miHoYo

Shakkei Pavillion is a new one-time Domain located in the 2.0 update's Inazuma region. To unlock the Shakkei Pavillion Domain in Genshin Impact, you will need to first get the Tatara Tales quest from Xavier. Xavier will give you a map marked with three red x's, which are rifts you'll need to destroy with cannons. To uses these, it might be easier to have a character that can use Electro abilities, but it's not vital. Head to the Tarasuna area of Inazuma. A marker should appear on your map showing the spot you need to navigate to; it's on a small island off the eastern coast of Tarasuna.  Use the teleport waypoint option to teleport there. 

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You need to find all three cannons and aim them at the correct spot to hit the rifts Xavier marked. From the waypoint you teleport to, make your way over to the stone staircase and platform down the hill. Next to it you'll find a tree that you can use to summon an Electrogranum. Summon it, then walk up to the cannon and select operate. You'll want to aim over to the left, past the abandoned ship in front of you towards the cliffs there. Repeat this process with the other two cannons in this area, and you should be good to go. 

© miHoYo

Once you've done that, make your way over to the shore on the left where you can summon a Waverider. Call it and pilot it to the spot where you shot the cannon. Once you reach the area where you shot, you'll see some enemies to your right. You can deal with them if you want, or you can breeze past and make straight for the door, which is nestled in a cave in the cliff that you just blew open. Now that you've taken care of that, you can enter the Domain and get started. 

For more help exploring Genshin Impact's new region, check out our game hub. We have guides to power up Inazuma's Statues of the Seven with Electroculi, or to find Inazuma's local specialties like Lavender Melons, Sakura Blooms, and Naku Weeds.