Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake for PS5 is actually happening

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake is happening and will release on PS5 first before coming to PC after a timed exclusivity window.

KOTOR originally released on PC in 2011, and became one of the strongest components of the extended universe (before Disney's sequel trilogy hit the canon reset button and then plundered characters from KOTOR anyway for hit series like The Mandalorian).

The Remake has been much-requested by fans of the action RPG who think a new lick of paint is just about all the game needs to find newer, more voracious Star Wars fans in the 2020s.

In today's PlayStation Showcase post-show, developers at Aspyr talked a bit more about the KOTOR Remake, saying that it had been rebuilt from the ground up with overhauled visuals by veteran devs and fans of the original.

The KOTOR remake will release on PS5 and then PC at a later date.