Deathloop Delivery Booth Code location

Blackreef holds many secrets, but few are so taunting as the delivery booths scattered around each region. To access these machines you’ll need to find the delivery booth code, which is hidden in one specific location. Fortunately, we know where that is so below we’ll explain where to find the Deathloop delivery booth code and what you can use it for.

Deathloop Delivery Booth Code location

© Arkane

As with all of Deathloop’s core codes, yours will be unique, so we can’t just tell you the four numbers. Unless you’re exceptionally lucky, you’ll have to physically go and find the code yourself. Here’s where and when to be looking:

The Deathloop delivery booth code is located in Fia’s Fortress, found in Fristad Rock at Noon. 

Make your way to Fia’s Fortress (marking Fia as a target or following the Afternoon Delight Thread will make it easier to find this if you haven’t already), found near the transmission post. You can enter on the right side of the map in the area with all the large vehicles, or on the left past the transmission post. Either way can lead you to the right room. We’ll describe from the right side in the scrapyard vehicle area. 

There are plenty of enemies outside, so you can either avoid or kill them. Enter the large bunker by opening the doors using the buttons and you’ll be introduced to an area called Fractured Image. 

After passing through both of the large bunker door sets, you’ll want to turn left immediately to head up the stairs. Look for the camera on your left and hack it as soon as you can. There should be a pathway by the camera here you can follow all the way down to reach a door at the end. Slip inside to find Gideon Fry’s workshop for the delivery booths. If you entered through the other bunker doors, this room will be on your right directly as you enter. Simply smash the glass to get access.

© Arkane

Inside the room is a message complaining about limited use of the codes. More importantly, the Deathloop delivery booth code is found on the whiteboard in this room. We’d advise taking a screenshot or writing it down, as Colt won’t remember it until you’ve entered it. Our code was 6723, but yours will likely be a different sequence.

Return to a delivery booth and you can enter your code to access a selection of items which can be shipped to any area of the map. Choose your item and location, then head their to claim it. Once you enter the code the first time, it’ll be remembered for the remainder of the game.

Delivery booth locations and items

Using a delivery booth will allow you to request the following items:

You can find delivery booths in the following locations for each area:

The Nullifier and Turret are both excellent choices for tackling certain Visionaries like Fia, while the Battery and Crank Wheel will help you solve some puzzles like the Haul A Quin robot in Karl’s Bay.

That’s everything to know about the Deathloop Delivery Booth code and locations. Enjoy shipping items around Blackreef, and head to our hub page for the game to learn more tips and tricks.