Valorant State of the Agents teases new Sentinel, promises Yoru changes

Riot has released a new State of the Agents blog post update for Valorant, detailing the developer’s view on the current balance standings of each character in their competitive shooter.

Included in the post was confirmation that Valorant’s next agent will fit into the Sentinel role, joining the likes of Sage, Cypher, and Killjoy.

“We took a step back and thought about different ways to provide another Sentinel to the roster,” the post reads. “A Sentinel that focuses on mechanical outplays, with an additional focus of gunplay into the mix for an extra flourish.”

© Riot

Details beyond that are extremely slim, though many fans suspect that this new agent could be the rumored Deadeye, who has previously been teased with artwork featuring them holding an enormous sniper rifle. Right now we don’t know when the new agent will be arriving or much at all to do with their toolkit. There’s a good chance, however, that they’ve got some French heritage.

“We won’t reveal much more,” the post teases. “Just know that once you achieve that dream moment, it will be magnifique!”

The blog post also goes into detail on the balance changes arriving after the finals of the Valorant Berlin Masters. The most recent 3.06 patch which introduced a raft of changes to agents such as Skye, Jett, and Kay/O. The reasoning behind their adjustments was already covered in the patch notes, but one agent conspicuously absent was the underused duelist Yoru. 

Intended to add a flair of trickery and manipulation to the duelist class, Yoru’s infamously noisy kit has made him all too easy for most players to counter. While we don’t know how, exactly, the Japanese riftwalker will be revised, Riot has promised that changes are on the way, and that they’re confident of the approach.

“We know what we want to do on the design front with Yoru, and we’re in the middle of gathering additional resources needed to support these changes,” the blog post details. “I know, not the most exciting update, but we wanted to let you know that Yoru isn’t collecting dust in the shop somewhere. Apologies to our Yoru mains, we really appreciate your patience on the delay here.”

It’s not been confirmed when Yoru’s changes or the new Sentinel will make their way into Valorant, but it’s a good bet that the latter will be tied into the Episode 3, Act 3 update. Expect that to release some time in early November, based on the remaining time for Act 2. Until then, you may want to keep practicing those Recon Bolt shots on the new map, Fracture.