ThankYouSakurai trends on Twitter ahead of Smash Ultimate's final character reveal

Dreams may be crushed, but we can all appreciate what Sakurai and the Smash Ultimate team have given us.

Super Smash Bros. character reveals are just as likely to start riots as they are celebrations. No matter which figure fills that oh-so-coveted slot, you can almost guarantee that a wave of cheers, arguments, and far too many memes will follow online. 

Tonight will see Super Smash Bros. UItimate’s roster – already bulging with characters, franchises, and an uncomfortable number of pointy sword wielders – receive its final fighter. It’s the last chance for many popular characters to snatch a place in what’s likely to be the biggest-ever edition in the series. Understandably, that makes it a nervy period for many eager fans. Whoever is revealed tonight, that’s it until another Super Smash Bros. game comes – and that's assuming we get a new one at all.

thankyousakurai trending twitter smash ultimate final dlc character reveal
© Nintendo

Thankfully, the build up to the final curtain draw has been taken in stride by Smash fans across the globe. Hopping on social media, the series’ community has been sharing their appreciation through #ThankYouSakurai, a hashtag aimed at the Smash series’ beloved director, Masahiro Sakurai. 

While development of a game as big as Smash is undoubtedly a team effort, there’s no question that the dual-controller-playing yet ever-humble Sakurai has become the face of the series. His Smash-dedicated direct videos have become a highlight of the gaming calendar for many. Not just as a chance to check out the latest fighter, they also gave us a glimpse into how Sakurai and the Smash team approach and decide on the new additions.

With an initial roster of over 70 fighters, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was already a momentous  entry in a much-loved Nintendo series. But the two fighter passes and 11 DLC additions since have transformed Ultimate into a celebration of far more than just Nintendo’s rowdy rabble of characters.

Of course, you can't stop Smash fans from dreaming. As the remaining hours until the reveal dwindle, the final, desperate pleas to Sakurai, the heavens, and any other beings who might be able to twist reality have been plentiful, too. Disappointment, it seems, will be inevitable.

But whoever you’re rooting for today, take a moment to appreciate the work that went into Ultimate. This is a game in which Banjo Kazooie can slam dunk Sephiroth off the side of the Great Fox while Solid Snake drops grenades on Simon Belmont’s head. Enjoy it, because whatever the future of Smash holds, we’ll likely never see such sights again.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's final DLC character reveal will take place today at 7am PT (10am ET / 3pm BST / 4pm CEST). We've embedded the video below so you can jump right in when the time arrives.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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