Far Cry 6 Ubisoft Connect Rewards guide

Far Cry 6 has you take control of Dani as you fight a guerilla war on the island of Yara. The next entry in the Far Cry series is Ubisoft's latest title, which means it has the revamped Ubisoft client built-in. That also means players have access to Ubisoft Connect Rewards. Here's everything you need to know about Ubisoft Connect Rewards to make the most of your time on Yara.

Far Cry 6 Ubisoft Connect Rewards guide

 © Ubisoft

What are Ubisoft Connect Rewards?

Ubisoft Connect Rewards are items like figurines, crafting items, rooster skins for the cock fighting mini game, and weapon skins you can acquire with Units – currency you get by leveling up your Ubisoft account. Luckily, you can do this by completing in-game challenges. Some of these are timed, while others are evergreen, but you should be able to level up your account as you progress through Far Cry 6 regardless.

How to get Ubisoft Connect Rewards

In order to start raking in the rewards of playing Far Cry 6, you'll need to connect the game to your Ubisoft account. If you don't have one, be sure to make one. 

How to access Ubisoft Connect Rewards in Far Cry 6

Ubisoft Connect is part of the game's actual client, so it's a breeze to access. If you're on PC, simply press Shift+F2. On console, open your menu and select the Ubisoft Connect option. Here you'll be able to see your Ubisoft Connect Rewards, Units, and progress towards challenge goals. 

List of Far Cry 6 Ubisoft Connect Rewards

That's all there is to Ubisoft Connect Rewards in Far Cry 6. For more Far Cry 6 features and guides, check out our game hub.