Genshin Impact Fluorescent Fungi locations and uses

Tsurumi Island in the Inazuma region holds many secrets, but one of its most precious resources is the Fluorescent Fungi. You’ll only find Genshin Impact Fluorescent Fungi locations on Tsurumi Island, making it well worth exploring. Below, we’ll take you through where to find Fluorescent Fungi in Genshin Impact and what they’re used for.

Genshin Impact Fluorescent Fungi locations and uses

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You’ll find Fluorescent Fungi locations in Genshin Impact on Tsurumi Island, the southernmost isle in the Inazuma region. It’s a local speciality for Inazuma, meaning you won’t find it anywhere else. The Fluorescent Fungi locations are spread across the central part of Tsurumi island, as well as the northern and northeastern island segments. The largest bulk of them are found on the southern half of the main island segment, under Mt. Kanna as shown above. There are around 60 Fluorescent Fungi locations on Tsurumi Island.

As the name suggests, Fluorescent Fungi locations glow with a blue light. Look for them sprouting from the base of tree trunks across the island. Fluorescent Fungi take two days to respawn after collection.

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If you’re looking for a Fluorescent Fungi farming route, we suggest starting at the top of Mt. Kanna before heading southeast through the Moshiri Ceremonial Site, then up and along the narrower stretch of land. After that, you can head to Shirikoro Peak and travel east as you pick them up.

Genshin Impact’s Fluorescent Fungus is used as an Ascension Material for Thoma, one of the new characters added to the game. You’ll need a total of 168 Fluorescent Fungi to take him through all of his Ascension levels. That means it’s a good idea to start farming the Fluorescent Fungus locations early so you’re not waiting too long on the respawn timer.

That’s everything there is to know about Genshin Impact Fluorescent Fungi locations and uses. We've also got guides for other Inazuma resources including Unagi Meat and Sango Pearls. Head to our hub page for the game to find out more useful item maps.