Valorant Icebox changes in Episode 4 Act 2

See before and after comparisons of all the changes to Icebox in Valorant's 4.04 patch for Episode 4 Act 2.

Episode 4 Act 2 has brought a wealth of updates to Agents, but it’s the Icebox changes in Valorant that could have a bigger impact for many players. The map has gone through a major rework, with the B-site drastically altered in an attempt to stop players from only ever planting and holding a single position. Thankfully, Riot has detailed the adjustments in full, meaning we can run you through all Icebox changes in Valorant Episode 4 Act 2 below.

Valorant Icebox changes in Episode 4 Act 2

B site has taken the brunt of the Icebox changes in Valorant Episode 4 Act 2, so that’s where we’ll start. First up is the lane entrance, sometimes called Green Lane. This has been opened up to make it more approachable for attackers.

The door shifted around to now exit into the first cubby, which is wider than before.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

The lane itself has been widened to make it less of a chokepoint. 

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

The second cubby has also been extended, making it more visible from site and yellow box.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

Moving onto the site itself, significant efforts have been made to open up new plant locations for attackers. Riot wants to encourage teams to adopt different strategies when attacking the site, and also reduce the number of angles which need to be cleared.

The big yellow container has been rotated in line with the map edge wall, with a new set of boxed placed beside it.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

The bottom half of the site container has been sealed off, replaced instead with a cubby visible from the attacker side. The doorway on the upper container has been shifted, and the appearance adjusted.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

The outer wall and crane have been shifted inward toward the plant zone, reducing the area smokes need to cover at back site.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

The plant zone itself has been adjusted and expanded to increase planting options. The Spike can also now be planted on the bridge into Kitchen.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

Finally the back B defender side area has had its building closed off to allow attackers a new aggressive site hold position.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

Shifting up into Kitchen, the wall leading to the defender spawn exit has been adjusted to open the room up a little.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

In mid, the view under tube is now protected from the danger angle on site by new crates, though the upper container is still a threat.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

Defender’s mid ramp (Boiler) has been reduced in width and complexity, meaning smokes can now cover the full width of the gap.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

Looking towards A, the doorway has been shortened so that the feet of anyone on top of screens can’t be shot from afar.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

Moving on to the A site, defenders have been given more options. Back site now features a box to hide behind.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

Attackers have been restricted, too, with the head peek on pipes removed.

Valorant Icebox changes episode 4 act 2 patch 4.04

Those are all the Valorant Icebox changes from patch 4.04 and Episode 4 Act 2. Be sure to read the full 4.04 patch notes to learn how Yoru and other Agents have been adjusted!

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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