Horizon Forbidden West Vista Point: The Memorial Grove location

Our Vista Point: The Memorial Grove map will help you find the exact viewing spot needed in Horizon Forbidden West.

If you’re exploring west of Scalding spear in Horizon Forbidden West, you’ll likely encounter The Memorial Grove Vista Point. This is activated by scanning a tall tower close to the river’s edge and campfire not far from a larger lake. In this guide we’ll show you the exact Horizon Forbidden West Vista Point: The Memorial Grove location so you can enjoy a view of the land long lost.

Horizon Forbidden West Vista Point: The Memorial Grove location

Horizon Forbidden West vista point the memorial grove location
© Guerrilla Games

After you activate The Memorial Grove Vista Point, you need to head northeast and across the river, to the point marked on the map above. Scale the mountainside here and look for a concrete ledge with rusted railings and a small radar dish sitting just beyond the edge of the ledge, looking back in the direction you came from. 

Horizon Forbidden West memorial grove vista point location
© Guerrilla Games

Stand on this spot and activate your focus (R3) to bring up the remnants of the image. You then need to line up the mountain ridge in the distance and the close radar dish. Don’t worry about the other object, as that’s a plane which isn’t still there in the modern day. So long as you get close to the right position, the game should line up the rest.

Vista Point the memorial grove horizon Forbidden West guide
© Guerrilla Games

Find the Memorial Grove Vista Point location correctly and you’ll be treated to a view of a massive airfield which used to sprawl across the valley ahead. Honestly? We prefer it filled with nature, though we’d probably give the giant deadly machines a pass. Still, it’s nice to get a view of how the land used to look and a bundle of XP to boot.

That’s all we can teach you about how to find the Horizon Forbidden West Vista Point: The Memorial Grove location. There’s one to scout out in each area of Forbidden West’s map, even including the opening section of The Daunt. Head to our hub page for Forbidden West to check out all the other guides we have available.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.


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