Nintendo Switch playtime data resets after a year

Nintendo Switch owners have been reporting their playtime data from a last year (when the Switch launched) has disappeared. This appears to indicate the system only tracks the length of time a player has spent in a game by month and day, rather than year.

Whether or not this is a glitch or an intentional setting remains to be seen. However, many players are finding that after the Nintendo Switch celebrated its 1-year anniversary, it erased a year’s worth of playtime from player logs on games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

This has been understandably disconcerting, especially to Switch owners who’ve poured hundreds of hours into Breath of the Wild only to see the playtime reset to “first played zero days ago.”

As of right now, we’re still waiting on Nintendo to release a statement concerning the playtime data issue. Until then, players will simply have to wait and see if the data can be restored.

Do you think the playtime data reset is an error, or an intended Switch feature? Has your playtime data been reset on the Switch? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments below!