How to get back to the church in Resident Evil 4

If you’re feeling a little lost after beating the monster of the lake and securing the church key, you’re not alone! If you need to rescue Ashely, but aren’t sure how to get back to the church in Resident Evil 4, this guide will explain exactly where to go.

How to get back to the church in Resident Evil 4

This guide assumes you already have the church insignia from the areas surrounding the lake and can drive a boat. If that’s the case, you need to head back to the merchant in the southwest corner of the lake. You can reach them by docking at either of the points marked on the map below.

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Enter the merchant’s area and head backwards through the quarry and along the original rickety walkway route you took from the church. Be warned though, there might be a few surprises along the way this time.

Figuring out how to get back to the church in Resident Evil 4 is one of the easiest places to get turned around. There are several routes which are blocked off or don’t connect despite looking like they do on the map, so don’t feel bad if you got stuck here. You cannot follow the path back to the windmill area in the north as the tunnel is blocked by rubble. Nor can you go to the dock in the far southwest underneath the walkways.

If you dock at the outside port rather than in the caves, you'll need to climb the ladders and head left, rather than toward to lit cave entrance.

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Instead, make sure you return to this merchant spot with the elevator to the shooting range, as this is the only way through to the quarry and back to the church. You can either dock at the base of the merchant area in the cave and climb the ladder, or dock on the outside bay just to the north and climb up to the merchant.

That’s all there is to know about how to get back to the church in Resident Evil 4. Don’t worry, Ashley won’t be too angry with for taking the extra time to figure out where you were going. Before you head back, we recommend completing the Egg Hunt request to get a Gold Chicken Egg. You’ll also want to complete the Grave Robber request in the church graveyard when you arrive there, before rescuing Ashley. If you don’t, you’ll have to face a lot of enemies while attempting to do so.