Emotes have arrived on PUBG PC

The latest update to PUBG on the PC brings in the new emote system from the test server.

By default there are 12 emotes available, with more to come (no doubt included in loot crates). The base emotes everyone has access to are: go, hello, affirmative, thanks, clap, laugh, surender, rage, you're done, negative, provoke, and come here. All of these can be accessed via a radial menu which pops up with a press of the tilde key.

Sadly there’s no dancing emote yet but we’re pretty sure that’ll come along in time.

The update also brings in the new friends list feature, which adds a one-way follower system and also means you can add a PUBG friend without having to add them on Steam, too. There’s also menu voice chat to let you natter with anyone you’re not on a chat program with.

A bunch of bug fixes have also been added (full patch notes below) but most interesting is the omission of both the limb penetration feature and anti-cheat system which went a bit haywire last week and banned legitimate players. Regarding limbs, PUBG Corp. said “we were also going to introduce and test our new limb and vehicle penetration system this month. Unfortunately, there’s been an alteration in our plans, but we will be sure to give an update on this at a later time.”

Here are the patch notes in full:

Client optimization

Server optimization






Bug Fixes