How to fast travel in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Mount Qaf is a sprawling labyrinth, so before long you’ll likely want to know how to fast travel in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. The good news is that it is possible. The bad news is that you can only do so from dedicated fast travel locations around the world.

How to fast travel in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

To unlock fast travel in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, you first need to reach a fast travel room. Sounds obvious, right? These are visible on your map by an icon of an eagle’s head. The first you’ll likely see on your map will be above the Magi Emporium in the Haven, but you can’t access it from this side.

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Instead, you’ll need to press forward until you have recovered the Bow/Chakram of Menolias and use it to progress higher in the main chamber. When you head to the left on a higher level of the Lower City, you can move directly across to reach the first fast travel room. Activate the altar inside and you’ll be able to warp back to the Haven to access the Magi Emporium and combat tutorials. You can then unlock the door from the inside so that you can access this fast travel location any time you need.

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So while you can fast travel in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, you can only do so from set rooms that you’ll find as you explore Mount Qaf. Be sure to check all the paths when you enter a new area so that you don’t miss discovering one of these key locations. They make it far less of a slog to return to the blacksmith or Magi Emporium for upgrades.

Learning how to fast travel in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown isn’t the only key information to know early. Check out our beginner’s tips and tricks for valuable advice when exploring and fighting!