Call of Duty foundation to help UK vets

The Endowment arrives in Britain.

The Call of Duty Endowment program, aimed at helping veterans of warfare, is being expanded to the UK in the coming months.

Begun in 2009 by Activision CEO Bobby Kotick, the Endowment helps veterans gain high-quality employment after returning from conflict. Since then it has found 37,000 jobs for US veterans and now it will be providing the same services to the UK.

In order to celebrate the expansion, and help fund the charity, the Double Duty Calling Card for Black Ops 3 will allow players to see a service member transform to employed civilian. It also comes with three rare supply drops and all proceeds will go to Endowment programs.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing or finding him on Twitter. 


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