How To Fix The No PokeStops Bug In Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO’s latest update brings with it one particularly troublesome bug.

We recently discussed Niantic’s latest update to Pokemon GO, which brought back a few crucial features to the game. While the update reinstated the popular Nearby Pokemon feature, as well as resolving issues with the battery saver mode on iOS, it also brought along a few new features. One feature in particular, the new dialogue to remind Trainers to not play Pokemon GO while driving, has created a particularly interesting (and troublesome) bug.

The bug itself prevents the game from displaying PokeStops, Pokemon, or Gyms. This can be extremely frustrating, as it effectively makes Pokemon GO unplayable. Fortunately, there is one fix for this bug that, while it doesn’t work for everyone, can help players who’ve found themselves in a bit of a rut in terms of restocking PokeBalls.

Essentially, to fix the issue simply open up your iPhone or Android’s phone settings and then select the cellular settings page. While there, disable the 4G/LTE and then restart your phone. Once your phone has rebooted, open up the Pokemon GO app once more and you should now see the features that were missing.

Unfortunately, while some players have had a relatively easy time fixing this error, others haven’t been as fortunate. At this point in time, it doesn’t hurt to try the fix and see if it works for you. In the meantime, we’re hoping Niantic will provide a solution for the problem sometime soon.

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Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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