ThirtyThree's RunGunJumpGun Releases Today

How you can now purchase the cool sci-fi platformer RunGunJumpGun on Steam.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been growing more and more excited for the release of RunGunJumpGun. Developed by ThirtyThree, RunGunJumpGun is an insanely difficult sci-fi platformer where your only asset is a gigantic gun. With this gun, you can use it in a jetpack-like fashion to propel yourself forward through the levels, and you can also use it to shoot various dangers and obstacles.

We had the opportunity to test out the game, and instantly fell in love with it despite the keyboard-smashingly hard difficulty level. If you’ve ever played Flappy Bird, Super Meat Boy, or even that weird online game QWOP, you’ll certainly feel at home in RunGunJumpGun. If you touch any of the dangers you’re instantly whisked back to the beginning of the level, and will have to try again.

There are only two buttons you need to concern yourself with in the game, R-shift and L-shift. However, despite the fact that the game requires the usage of only two buttons, it still manages to be complex. The worlds are colorful and engaging, and the pulsing soundtrack helps keep us pumped up as we move along.

We highly recommend checking out RunGunJumpGun on Steam and grabbing it for yourself. If you’re not convinced, be sure to tune into IndieObscura’s Twitch channel today at 5pm (EST) to watch us play during our Indie Wednesday Stream!

In addition, you can watch the trailer below, and marvel at the gorgeous art aesthetic.

For more on RunGunJumpGun here at Indie Obscura, be sure to find out why we're so excited about ThirtyThree's RunGunJumpGun, our interview with RunGunJumpGun developers ThirtyThree, and all the things you can't touch in our RunGunJumpGun preview.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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