Xbox Onesie gets an upgrade for Forza 7 launch

Earlier this year, Microsoft Australia sent everyone crazy when it showed off the Xbox Onesie, easily the best PR stunt the company has pulled since they forced Don Mattrick to quit and go become CEO of Zynga. And now the Aussies are back with a new Xbox Onesie design to celebrate the release of Forza Motorsport 7.

Now, if we were being brutally critical here, rather than just playing right into the promotional activity's hands, we might point out that that's just a pretty standard racing boilersuit, and calling it a Onesie is a bit of an insult to our collective intelligence, and possibly also racing drivers.

Fortunately we're not being brutally critical, which is why we're delighted to relay that the new Onesie sports a breathable fabric to offer a "stain proof gaming experience" (Microsoft's words, not ours - and you forgot a hyphen, guys), a tailored fit, elasticated pockets, forearm and backside padding, and a detachable hydration pouch with easily accessible mouthpiece.

So there you have it. And if you're Australian you can actually follow the Xbox Australia page to win one of these monstrosities. Good luck.