Devolver Extends Offer To Devs Affected By Immigration Ban

Devolver Digital offers a space for indie devs unable to attend GDC due to the ongoing travel ban.

Devolver Digital has opened a call to indie devs that can no longer attend the upcoming Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco due to the immigration ban currently in effect in the US.This offer provides a space for developers to showcase their games on an offsite location close to GDC which will have PCs and HTC Vive headsets available for use.

Space is limited, so Devolver Digital has expressed that any developers that cannot make the conference submit their game demos/most recent builds immediately with the information requested below to the following email:

  • Studio Name / Developer Name
  • Short description of the game
  • Country of origin
  • Link to video of the game if available

GDC attendees interested in supporting these developers and their games will be able to starting on Monday, February 27th all the way through Wednesday, March 1rst during the hours of 10 AM - 5 PM at the Devolver Underground located on the basement level of 44 Tehama St., San Francisco, CA 94105.

"One of my favorite things about games is that they are truly global in nature, transcending borders and cultural differences more seamlessly than other art forms, and working with different people from all over the world with wildly varying backgrounds has been a huge part of Devolver's success and of our personal enjoyment of what we do,"

"We are happy to have the opportunity to help create a bridge in some small way for some of the talented developers who will unfortunately be unable to attend this year's GDC." - Mike Wilson, Co-Founder of Devolver Digital

Please visit the official Devolver website or see @DevolverDigital on Twitter for more information.


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