What's the deal with... Forza Motorsport 7

FM7 is more than just racing around a track.

Not to be confused with the Horizon spinoff, Forza Motorsport 7 is the latest entry into the long-running racing simulator game from Turn 10 Studios. It’s been two years since Forza Motorsport 6, so fans of the series will be pleased to get the back into the seat of this iconic series!

There’s a lot to do in Forza Motorpost 7, with dozens of events, modes, and challenges up for grabs, you’ll be playing it for weeks on end. But what’s actually available in the game?

Forza Driver’s Cup

Race through a six-stage campaign, each with dozens of races and events.
Race through a six-stage campaign, each with dozens of races and events.

The Forza Driver’s Cup is Forza Motorsport’s bread and butter. As a singleplayer campaign, the Forza Driver’s Cup will take you through six stages, each with their own races and events. As you progress through stages, the events will become more challenge, but more rewarding.

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Events in the Cup aren’t just your standard fare, you’ll be racing in trucks, driving a limo through Top Gear’s ten pin bowling course, and participating in themed races. If nothing else, this is what you’ll want to be playing in Forza.

Car Collection

Purchase cars, and receive them as rewards, to increase the rarity of cars you can collect.
Purchase cars, and receive them as rewards, to increase the rarity of cars you can collect.

Cars are now broken up into different tiers, from 1 through 5, labelled as Common up to Legendary. In order to unlock higher tiers, you will need to add cars to your collection – but it’s an expensive process!

Thankfully, leveling up your Driver Level nets you a choice of three different rewards: credits, a discounted car, or some cosmetics for your driver. If you’re saving for a specific vehicle, it can be worth snapping up the credits, but if you’re just looking to break into a new tier, a discounted car goes a long way.

Car Alterations and Tuning

Spend hours fiddling with sliders until your vehicle handles exactly how you want.
Spend hours fiddling with sliders until your vehicle handles exactly how you want.

As with every single Forza title, tinkering with your vehicle’s setup is available, with its dizzying amount of options. Those who know what they’re doing will have endless hours of fun under the hood, tweaking their car until it pushes the limits of what’s allowed for a certain division.

Alongside the changes you can make to a cars performance, there are obviously the cosmetic changes. Forza Motorsport 7 allows you to paint your vehicle or use vinyl shapes to create images for you to apply to your car. Alternatively, you could use the search function to look through user-created content for a design that speaks to you.


Loot crates contain mods, as well as other vehicles and driver cosmetics.
Loot crates contain mods, as well as other vehicles and driver cosmetics.

Mods are awarded through Forza Motorsport 7’s loot crates or “Prize Crates” as they’re called in-game. Applying a mod is simple, and depending on the mod you select, you will receive a different bonus. The “Payday” mod is a rare one that rewards you with increased race rewards, whereas the “Superb Passing” mod gives you a credit increase of 35% if you manage to perform 4 “good” passes.

This is a nice way to give yourself certain goals while driving, as opposed to just simply “winning” a race. The better a mod’s rewards, the more you will have to do in order to claim the bonus, but it’s all a bit of fun, and the mods will sit there until you manage to complete the challenge. Unfortunately, if you're a VIP, you no longer earn double credits forever, which makes the entire service pointless.


Boot up the multiplayer and test your skills against other drivers.
Boot up the multiplayer and test your skills against other drivers.

For most people, once the Driver’s Cup is finished and you’ve claimed the vehicles you want, the multiplayer will keep you coming back for more. As with the other Motorsport titles, Multiplayer is intense and fun, and an incredible test of skill.

Making a return are the Drivatars, so even if you’re not playing multiplayer, you’ll be able to see a “ghost” of people from your friend’s list driving around you. Similarly, while you’re offline, your own Drivatar will go and do some driving for you, bringing back small amounts of credits. It’s a great way to earn more while you’re not behind the wheel.

Forza Motorsport 7 is another solid entry into the franchise, and anyone who’s played the others will feel right at home. The cars handle extremely well, or terribly, depending on their performance rating, how many assists you have on, and of course your own skill. At the end of the day, Forza Motorsport 7 is just one of those games you can easily spend hours just chilling out, racing around tracks, and fine-tuning every aspect of your car.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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