Most Shocking Video Game Moments - Braid

From the frightening, to the traumatic, to the downright strange, these shocking game moments are forever embedded within our minds.

You’re The Villain - Braid

All this time, and it turns out you’re the bad guy after all. How about that? Braid is a phenomenal indie game experience, one we’ve returned to quite a few times over the years. However, it’s always a bit shocking to come to the ending and realize you were the monster all along.

It’s both emotional and jarring, on top of being a rather poignant stance for a game to take. Add in Braid’s atomic bomb theory, and you’ve got a game that will stay ingrained in your memory for years to come. It’s eye-opening, tragic, and shocking. Especially after the first playthrough.

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Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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