Cuphead: How to Setup Local Co-op

Learn how to play local co-op multiplayer with a friend in Cuphead.

Now that Cuphead is finally out on Xbox One and PC, players are eager to load up the game with their friend for some local co-op fun as Cuphead and Mugman. Luckily, Cuphead’s drop-in, two-player local cooperative mode is the easiest feature of the game so far. Here's how to play Cuphead co-op.

Cuphead and Mugman fight a boss - How to play Cuphead co-op
Cuphead's local co-op lets you play alongside Mugman. © Studio MDHR

How to play Cuphead co-op

To setup local co-op in Cuphead, all you have to do is grab a second controller and turn it on. Make sure it’s synced up with your system. On PC, either plug in the second controller or sync it to the computer using an adapter. On Xbox One, connect the second controller and press any button, then sign-in with a user profile or as a guest when prompted to bring in player two. 

Player two should now be in control of Mugman, Cuphead’s brother and co-op counterpart. Mugman will also have the same number of coins as Cuphead to spend on items. If you followed these steps, this should be all you need to start playing local co-op multiplayer with a friend in Cuphead. 

Does Cuphead have online co-op? 

The short answer is no, at least not yet. Although Cuphead currently only has local co-op, online multiplayer has certainly crossed the minds of Cuphead’s creators, Chad and Jared Moldenhauer of Studio MDHR.

According to a recent Fandom interview with Cuphead Producer Maja Moldenhauer, the game’s creators have considered adding online functionality to Cuphead “at a later date”. So while you’re stuck with couch co-op for now, there’s still hope for online co-op in Cuphead’s future.

Now that you know how to play Cuphead co-op, you should have a much easier time defeating the game’s quirky, colorful bosses. Want to succeed in Cuphead?Learn how to Parry Slap.


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.


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