Assassin's Creed Origins is getting some fancy shoes

Because why stop at 50k headphones, am I right?

Ubisoft have announced an extremely limited edition pair of Yeezy sneakers to promote the launch of Assassin’s Creed Origins.

The fancy shoes come in two variants, white and black (go figure), and are made in partnership with sneaker artist, Dominic Lowman. Oh and only 16 pairs will be made worldwide so, er, good luck getting them

The trainers follow Ubisoft's previous announcement of golden Origins headphones that cost €50k. We’re just waiting on the Assassin’s Creed Origins private jet at this point.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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