What time does Xur come to Destiny 2

Learn what time and day Xur shows up in Destiny 2.

As we wrap up every week, there’s one thing we can look forward to – aside from Friday drinks after work – it’s Xur! The lovable scamp from the original Destiny is back for Destiny 2 and gamers want to know what time does Xur come?

If you haven’t been keeping up with the happenings, Xur has been arriving in Destiny at the same time for three years now, and we are sure to cover his inventory when the time comes.

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What time does Xur come to Destiny 2?

Thankfully, Xur shows up in Destiny 2 at the same time as he did in the original Destiny game. This means that if you’ve already got your watch set for a specific time, he will always appear then. Xur ignores daylight saving, so when you shift your clock forward or backward, he doesn’t move – so make sure you don’t rock up an hour early.

Xur shows up every Friday at the following times:

  • 2:00am PDT
  • 5:00am EDT
  • 10:00am BST
  • 6:00pm JST
  • 7:00pm AEST

If your timezone isn’t listed above, let us know what it is in the comments and we’ll add it to the list! While Xur comes to Destiny 2 as he did in the first game, his wares are significantly reduced from what they used to be. Xur no longer sells Heavy Ammo synths, as they’re no longer in the game; he no longer sells Sparrow upgrades, Tess has a monopoly on the Sparrow market; and Exotic ornaments have been removed from his stockpile.

Unfortunately, Xur is a shadow of his former self – but at least he might sell us those last few Exotic items we’ve been missing. Make sure to check back with us every Friday as we’ll be telling you exactly where Xur is and what he’s selling, so you can decide whether or not you need to get online.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.

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