Looks like Fortnite is getting a skydiving challenge

Speculation is bubbling over that one of the final challenges in the current Fortnite Battle Pass season will involve skydiving. Fans using the new replay mode to fly a drone camera around the map before matches have noticed glowing color-coded rings are now hanging in the sky. Epic Games has yet to comment.

Credit: NovakAllAlone/Reddit

Purple rings seem to float higher, with blue rings closer to the ground. Presumably these will be worth different point totals, or the challenge will require certain numbers of rings to be hit during your descent into the match. According to Storm Shield One, the automated Fortnite stats and development tracker which scrapes data from the game in search of new info, the challenge definitely exists and will be worth five Battle Stars when completed.

With the contents of the current Battle Pass Week 9 already known it seems that whatever this challenge is, it will be part of the final week's finale. We'll keep you updated.