How to repair weapons in State of Decay 2

Punching zombies in the face in State of Decay 2 is generally considered a bad idea when compared to ooh say, any other weapon available. With the risk of infection omnipresent it’s important to keep your weapons in tip-top shape, and to know how to repair them should they break. Fixing both melee weapons and firearms is pretty simple, but you’ll need some materials to get started.

Weapon durability

Weapons in State of Decay 2 have individual durability ratings you can check by highlighting them in the inventory and looking at the Max Durability stat. As you might expect, weapons with a larger durability bar will last longer before they break. The more you use a weapon the further it will degrade, swapping from completely functional to slightly damaged, and then completely broken. The color of the weapon is the key indicator here: yellow means it’s damaged, while red means it’s broken. Confusingly, orange isn’t an in between state, it simple means you have it equipped.

How to repair weapons

You’ll need two items to fix a weapon. First up is a workshop which you can build in or outside of your base in a small slot. Without this you won’t be able to repair anything. Once you have that, you’ll also need some salvage.

To repair a weapon you’ll first need to take it to the supply locker at your base and store it. Once it’s in there, highlight the weapon to see what materials you need to repair it. These should be indicated by the screw icon. You can find these screws around the world or by salvaging any unwanted items.

From here you can simply press the button to begin the repair process. You’ll see a dialogue box pop up with the list of materials you need and the quantity you’ve got in the locker. So long as you’ve got the screws you can now hit repair to immediately fix the broken weapon.

Repairing weapons is a vital skill to learn in State of Decay 2 and will help you take down zombies and hostile humans with a lot more ease. That’s not all you’ll need to survive the apocalypse, however. It’s equally important to keep community morale up and learn how to expand to a new base.