Dark Souls Remastered launch trailer kindles an old flame

the Dark Souls' Remastered launch trailer is here and it's leaving us all nostalgic.

Taking us from the opening through a sequence of the series' notorious bosses, the trailer is effectively a greatest hits montage, even including a glimpse at the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. Travelling from the Asylum to Firelink and even the Dukes Archive, the trailer scans across pretty much the full length of the game, even including dialogue from both Frampt and Kaathe. We get a brief glimpse in the trailer, but we're very keen to see how that improved lighting and framerate applies to the gorgeous heights of Anor Londo once we get our hands on it. Check out the trailer below.

Sif, Smough and Quelag, they're all there and ready for us to face them all over again. We honestly can't wait to hop back into the first game of the series, especially now that the framerate dread of Blighttown has been fixed up. As the trailer shows, the Remastered edition thankfully includes the excellent Artorias of the Abyss DLC which lets you jump back in time to discover Lordran's history and face some of the best bosses the series has to offer.

Of course, it wouldn't be Dark Souls without the trailer also focussing on the fact that we'll be dying, dying and dying some more. Marvelous.

If you're planning to jump into Dark Souls for the first time or after a long break, take a look at our Dark Souls Remastered lore recap. The world of Souls is complex and rarely forthcoming, so it's best to do a bit of swatting up before you jump in.

Dark Souls Remastered releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, May 25, with a Switch version arriving delayed in "Summer."