Cyberpunk 2077 E3 trailer looks dope as cyberhell

Cyberpunk 2077, the next game from Witcher studio CD Projekt Red, was shown off on stage at Microsoft's E3 conference today.

Closing an extremely stacked Microsoft presser, Cyberpunk 2077's trailer was the stand-out jewel as the entire city the game takes place in was unveiled in awesome detail.

Check out the full E3 trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 below:

There's more than enough little details in there to tell us everything we need to know about Cyberpunk 2077 so we'll be diving straight in and picking it to pieces. As soon as we pick our jaws up off the floor after that Microsoft presser. Best in years, hands down.

We'll be keeping up with all the E3 news as it happens so stick around for our coverage of E3 2018.

Also here's a really nice high-res screenshot from the direct feed. Man this game looks pretty.

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