Tank Gawd It's Friday - 09/30

Preparing for the weekend in style!

Tank Gawd It’s Friday is all about preparing for the weekend to come and discussing the plans we might have in World of Tanks. It’s a place we were can open up and discuss our current goals in World of Tanks, the lines we’re grinding or the new strategies we’re trying. All players, new and old, are welcome to kick back and relax in Tank Gawd It’s Friday.

Weekend Overview

Oh, I’ve got my tank and I’m ready for the weekend! There’s a lot of events wrapping up and starting up this weekend with the first being a bonus for all the Heavy players out there. This weekend only, you can receive x3 XP on daily first victories in Heavy Tanks. Long-time Heavy lovers will enjoy the little boost in XP while it might also bring over some of the other tank type players.

With only a couple weeks left to complete the T-44-100 mission, the weekend is the perfect opportunity to sink a lot of hours into nations you might be struggling to complete. Keep in mind that, as the event draws closer to the end, if you’re still struggling to hit 100 percent in some nations, you can always purchase a token from the store to skip part of the grind.

October begins on Saturday and with it a whole host of promotions, though some are starting later in the week. We did a write-up about all the discounts and Premium tanks appearing during October. Be sure to check out the TankRewards website Saturday evening for more information on the Halloween event #TankHollow

Hybrid Wars, Wargaming’s new top-down shooter, is now available and what better time than the weekend to try out something new? It’s a twin-stick shooter and if my addiction to Geometry Wars is anything to go by, I’m going to spend a lot of time playing this game.

Sam’s Weekend

Last weekend was my chance to get started down the UK tank line, a line we’ve recommended before for new players and as a new player myself I thought it only fitting to venture down it on my personal account. This weekend will be much the same as I save up the Experience and Silver required to venture further down the line toward my Tier 6 target.

As mentioned above, the release of Hybrid Wars couldn’t come at a better time. I’m extremely passionate about twin-stick shooters so I’m looking forward to giving this a run for its money. From the trailer, the gameplay reminds me of Helldivers mixed with a more mech-oriented theme while looking even more hectic. Whether it is tanks or mechs, my weekend is looking good.

Larryn’s Weekend

Since the T-44-100 grind is sort of a lost cause for me at this point, I’ll be turning my attention toward the new Halloween-inspired events this weekend instead. I’ll be checking the TankRewards.com website once they update it Saturday evening to see what the #TankHollow shenanigans are all about.

In the meantime, I’ll probably use this weekend to give a final salute to the Mark 1 by playing a few more rounds of the Convoy game mode while it lasts, since it will be wrapping up on October 5th. There’s something satisfying about leaping from hills and t-boning enemy Lanchesters that keeps me coming back for more, and I wish this event would stick around a bit longer. I find Convoy’s hectic and chaotic nature to be somewhat refreshing in a game like World of Tanks.

That’s us, what about you? What missions have you decided you’ll attempt this weekend in World of Tanks? Or perhaps, like Sam, you’ll venture into Hybrid Wars. Let us know in the comments what you have planned!

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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